Saturday, February 24, 2007

Our New Puppy

Greetings! We just got a new puppy last Monday. She's what's know as a "Schnoodle," a Miniature Schnauzer & Poodle cross. We had her sent to us from a breeder just outside of Winnipeg. Her name's "Gaby" (it's not pronounced like "baby," in case you're wondering).

The reason for the name is that Gaby was part of a litter that was born on Christmas Day, and we wanted to give her a Christmas themed name. The only name we felt was appropriate was one that is loosely based on the Angel Gabriel, and since Gabriel has only one "b," then Gaby's name should be likewise. Makes sense, right?

Now, since Leanne is currently in Vegas partying with her sisters and her Mom, I've been left behind to care for this poop & pee monster (OK, that was bad!). Anyhow, here's a few pics...

Here's her proud new "mom:"

This is me, her new "dad" (I prefer to refer to us as her new "masters," but Leanne wants us to be considered as Gaby's mom & dad. OK, then...):

This is a little shot of her (kinda) looking at me funny after I made a strange noise to get her attention:

I love this little snap of her climbing onto my leg. Now if only her face was a little more focused....

Anyhow, that's her, our new puppy. If you're interested in doing some research on these schnoodles, just go to: and check it out!


Brian & Leanne