Thursday, August 11, 2005

The Saskatchewan Summer Star Party - Cypress Hills Prov. Park

Just last weekend, Leanne and I went to Cypress Hills park for an annual star party weekend (where astronomers look at the sky at night and have cool talks and presentations on Saturday). Astronomers from all across the country take part, although most of them are from around SK and AB.

I went to this star party for the first time back in '98 with my good friend, Fr. Lucian Kemble, OFM (this is my second time at the party, & Leanne's first). For those of you who've never heard of Fr. Luc, he was one of my dearest friends whom I considered to be my first and only real mentor. He passed away in 1999 of heart failure, and he is still sorely missed by many, even by many of those in the astronomical field.

Leanne and I stayed in a nice but somewhat grundgy cabin near the park hotel, but we were comfortable enough. Much to my chagrin, Leanne flatly refused to sleep in a tent! But hey, our actual accomadations were only a small aspect of this awesome star party weekend!

For any of the viewers of this post who are courious about this star party and what goes on during the weekend, the next one is Aug. 24 - 27, '06. Check it out, if you like!


At August 12, 2005 7:33 AM, Blogger Denise said...

Hey! Nice blog, there, Brian. Great pictures too. Welcome to the world of blogging. I really only get to it, when I trick Monica into letting me, and, believe me, she's hard to trick!

Anyway, hope you guys are having a great summer. See ya around!

At August 20, 2005 12:47 PM, Blogger Denise said...

I will say that I am disappointed in a certain, Cameron, for having not taken the time to post a comment on Brian's blog.

Cameron, Cameron, Cameron....*head shaking*


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