Monday, September 05, 2005

100 Years of Heart!!

Wow. Here we are at 100 years as a province. Y'know, considering the fact that I grew up here, and I'm presently married and working here as well, I gotta say that I am mighty proud of this province (as to it's political leadership, that's another story).

Yesterday was pretty much like any other standard Sunday, although with me being on a day schedule during my days-off (kind of a rare thing), it was a little nicer. I was determined to partake in as many Centennial activities that I least in the evening after church. I say "I" because my hunna-bun wasn't feeling all too well yesterday (she was getting a headache), so it sucked that she couldn't join me.

Anyhoo, church was pretty much the usual...the wonderful Holy Rosary Cathedral, as displayed above (beautiful) with Fr. Kubash saying mass (sno-o-o-ore), and with me helping out with the liturgy in some way (helping with the collection and serving the cup). I must say, I'm very attached to that great Church, but (with all due respect to Fr. Kubash), it would be great to see a much more engaging priest saying mass.

After mass, I decided to check out the festivities at Wascana Park. I was intending to hook up with either Rich & Susan (couldn't get a hold of them on their cell), or some in-laws (they didn't arrive in time for the fireworks), but I ended up being all by my lonesome. Which wasn't so bad; after all, I walk kinda faster than most who walk with me. I caught the tail end of Colin James' concert. Y'know, for such a pip-squeaky looking guy, he sure can rock!

Then came the fireworks. Wow! A cool thing about this musical fireworks show is that it was simultaneously launched in Regina, Saskatoon and 13 other communities all across Saskatchewan! And it was 30 minutes long (nice and long). Some of the coolest fireworks included these ones which, after they exploded, produces these little green or blue lights which scurry away from the explosion like little insects. And these other ones which produced these streamers of light which rose up, descend a little, then rose higher before they faded away. Apparently the province got these fireworks from Spain. I dunno, I guess Canada musn't produce fireworks that are good enough, hey?

Needless to say, the crowd was enormous. Wall-to-wall (uh...what walls) people all around the perimeter of the lake. But since I was by myself, I was able to butt in amongst the crowd close enough to get a super-good view of the fireworks. Being alone CAN have its advantages at times.

Well, that about does it for my third blog entry. Happy b'day SK, and God's blessings to us all!

Oh yeah...and the Riders won, too (yay).